Why is my bin or waste-container not emptied?

Was your waste not collected as planned?

Check if you have this in order:

  • Do you use a bag in the bin?
    We cannot collect loose items from the bin. 
  • Is the waste correctly sorted?
    If not, the waste will not be collected. If you are unsure of the sorting, see our sorting guidelines. 
  • Are your bags too heavy?
    The recommend weight per bag are 25 kg or less. If a bag is heavier, it will not be collected. 
  • Have you shovelled snow?
    Our garbage collectors depend on this and must be able to open the door in front of the bin or roll the container to the truck. 
  • Is the road passable?
    Are there branches/twigs hanging into the road? Our trucks are large and need space to get to your bins or containers. If the truck is likely to be damaged, it will not drive. 
  • Is the road plowed, strewn or marked?
    In winter, we depend on the road being plowed and strewn. If the road is narrow, it must also be marked with road signs/sticks.