Exemption application

If you have a good reason not to attend the waste disposal scheme, you can send an exemption application. VKR may grant a time-limited exemption from the fee in these cases:

  • When building a new home or cottage; if the construction does not start the year for which the fee is calculated.
  • The building on the property (cottage, cabin etc.) is dilapidated and can not be used for longer stays or is inhabitable.
  • The home will be uninhabited for at least 12 months.

Changing the use of a property

Change of fee due to change of use, is only granted if change of use according to the Planning and Building Act are given. Application for change of use must be sent to the appropriate municipality for processing.

Download the exemption application form here, or fill it out below and submit.

The application applies to the following
Conditions on which the application is based
The application is for the following