About VKR

Valdres Kommunale Renovasjon IKS (VKR) is an intermunicipal company. VKR is responsible for the collection and handling of waste and sewage from households in Valdres.


VKR was established in 1981. Our owners are the 6 municipalities in Valdres:

  • Etnedal
  • Nord-Aurdal
  • Sør-Aurdal
  • Vang
  • Vestre Slidre
  • Øystre Slidre



The main facility is located at Rebneskogen, 9 km north of Fagernes, towards Øystre Slidre.

Approximately 17,000 tonnes of waste and 3,000 tonnes of sewage is being processed annually.

You can deliver waste at VRKs 8 recycling stations located at the six municipalities in Valdres.

The main facility occupies an area of 600 acre, and has a large sorting hall, 4 tents of a total of 850 square meters, plate for composting treatment of sewage, heating plant, workshop and laundry hall. The main facility also has a landfill for inert waste (non-degradable).